If this would be the case, many more cases would be reported among children and elderly people. Is HIV transmitted by insects? Epidemological data from Africa and the Unites States suggests that AIDS was not transmitted by insect bites. Injecting-drug-user associated with AIDS cases include persons who are IDUs, their heterosexual sex partners and children whose mothers were IDUs or sex partners of IDUs.

Injection Drug Users and HIV Transmission For 1996, from the total cases reported to the CDC, 36% were directly ot indireclty associated with injecting-drug use. Data demonstrate that heterosexually transmitted HIV infection is growing at a faster rate than homosexual or IDUs (Stine 180). However, by 1993 the number increased to a 8% of the total number of reported cases in the United States. Heterosexual HIV Transmission In 1985, less than 2% of AIDS cases were from the heterosexual population. The risk to acquire HIV depends mainly on three factors: (1) the number of sexual partners (2) the prevalence of HIV infection in these partners (3) the probability of virus transmission during sexual contact. Although HIV can be transmitted during vaginal or oral penetration, unprotected anal sex by a male or female seems to be the most dangerous. Sexual Transmission Sexual tranmission of HIV happens when infected semen, blood, or vaginal secretions enter the bloodstream of a partner.
#Hiv transmission free#
Nor it is transmitted via a an infected person's clothes, phone, driking glasses, eating utensils or other objects that HIV- infected people have used that are free of blood. According to the CDC, HIV is not spread by tears, sweat, coughing or sneezing. HIV is transmitted in human body fluids by three major routes: (1) sexual intercourse through vaginal, rectal, or penile tissues (2) direct injection with HIV-contaminated drugs, needles, syringes, blood or blood products and (3) from HIV-infected mother to fetus in utero, through intrapartum inoculation from mother to infant or during breast-feeding (Stine 155).